Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sadie Jay Decker

She was 20 inches long and was 8lb 10oz. A Big baby for small little Mary! She was born on February 22nd at 3:53pm.

Our sweet little girl is here! She is such a good baby. We love her so much already and feel so blessed. I cannot believe we have received this new baby from our Heavenly Father. We have been trusted to raise these two wonderful sweet spirits. I hope we are up to the task because they are so special!

This was the night before we went in to have the C-Section (we knew it would be the 22nd if not before.)
It was kind of scary to be strapped down to the table and have your guts being tugged at, but it was worth it all. As I laid there, and was scared, I thought of Evan and the temple and how we are an eternal family and that got me through just fine. It all went really well.

1st family picture. This was in the hospital, still recovering. Recovery has not been too bad at all. I was able to take a shower the next day, and I tell you what, taking a shower does wonders. It was great to be able to be clean and put on clean pj's, not the gown that shows your bum!

Her Name: Sadie Jay Decker (the 'Jay' is after Jeff's Dad).

While I was in the hospital, Jeff's mom came to take care of Evan. She was a big help! We wanted Evan to be able to stay at his own house. We tried to make it as easy on him as we could. And so, if he cannot have his mom, Grandma is the next best thing. He loves his "Ga-ma". It was nice that she took some days off work to help us. Thanks Thanks Thanks!

Jeff has been a big help through this. He has done everything as far as Evan goes. He has done the night time diapers, naps, you name it he has been there for Evan. We have tried to make this easy on Evan, so we have gotten him a couple new toys (from Sadie of course). He got two new Buzz Lightyear toys, and a truck!

It is so nice to have a van. We all had enough space. It was so nice!!!

Evan loves Sadie. He was so happy to show her his room and the house. When we got close to the house he said, "Sadie we're home. Sadie house!" He is a good little helper too. When she cries he says, "Help Sadie." It is so fun to see them together.


The Richards said...

Sooooo pretty! She looks a lot like Caitlyn did! I miss the days when she would just fall asleep everywhere and was so small, she's still small just different, you know! You were huge! Seriously though you look great in the picture of you and Sadie so you have allready lost a ton of it, since Sadie was so big in such a small little body of yours!! She looks great and Evan is the funniest little kid ever. Just don't let him aroeund anymore Craisins!!!

The Richards said...

So I just noticed that in every picture Evan is wearing the Buzz sweatshirt, you weren't kidding about him loving that sweatshirt! Funny Boy!!!

thegilbreathfam said...

Great pictures. Beautiful family. Hope you are feeling good. Love ya!

Jillyboo said...

Congratulations to you all! A beautiful and healthy baby girl, what a wonderful time for your family. She is so cute.

The Watkins said...

She looks like you, Mary! How cute! Beautiful family. Glad to hear ya'll are doing well.

Becca said...

Oh I love her already!!What a beautiful addition to an already beautiful family!!!Congratulations you guys!!!

Karina said...

She's beautiful Mary!!
And I have to say you make me sick...all tiny the same day you have her LOL ....guess you got the good gene pull on that. Congratulations and take it easy on your recovery ...C-Section you feel great but still healing. Evan is so adorable and he's going to be a great big brother. Kudos to Jeff for being the good dad and helping out. I Have to give ya credit she was a BIG baby for Little You!! Well WE ALL LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU AND YOU GUYS NEED TO MAKE IT TO TEXAS SOMETIME IN THE NEXT DECADE!!! LOVE YA
Karina and LoraLei...I know I need to update my site LOL I'm so terrible about that.