Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Easter Weekend

Easter came so early this year. It was a really busy weekend for us. We had a "Hunt", Mathew's birthday party at the lake, Jeff's mom came out, and dinner with our nagihbors. Church on Easter Sunday was one of the best sacarment meetings I have been to in a long time. So... you can say we had a very nice Easter! Oh and our little Sadie hit the one month mark too.


Becca said...

what a great video!!!I love seeing how big Evan is and Sadie is always fun too see how fast they all change!!

The Richards said...

I love Sadie's Easter dress, it is so pretty. Of course I forgot to take a picture of Caitlyn, maybe I'll do it tomorrow! Evan is a funny boy and Mathew just puts up with him!! Funny kids!!

Katherine said...

Hey there! I just found your blog through Rebecca Dulgarian's. Jeff and I grew up in the same ward and were friends in high school. You guys have such a beautiful family- your kids are adorable! Great to see you!